2013(e)ko azaroaren 20(a), asteazkena

European regional differences

There are big differences between countries in the European Union. Language, religion, habits and wealth, are some of them. It depends on the location in Europe.

Differences between east and west Europe: 

There are 27 countries in the European Union, and there are big differences between them. We can say that the west side of Europe is the most developed side. France, Germany, Britain, Netherland... All of them are located in the middle west of Europe. In the middle East of Europe are Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary...

Differences between north ans south Europe:

The most common difference between people from the North and people from the South has to do with the way each people expresses their feelings. It can be because of the weather.
On the one hand, people from the North such as English, Dutch, German, Scandinavians, people from the Baltic, being influenced by an environment characterized by less sunlight and lower temperatures during the year, are usually more closed and constraint.
On the other hand, Mediterraneans, such as Spanish, Italians, Greeks and so on, are in general more open, more expressive and often more sociable. 

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